My friend Amie has tagged us all to share about our marriages. So here it goes.......
1.Where did you met your husband?
We actually met in High School. I was a Junior and he was a Sophomore. I was getting ready to go to my Jr. prom and wanted to go with a friend and just not deal with the whole date thing as I had just the year prior broke up with a major bad guy and was not ready to get into a relationship. So I asked my friend Andrew and he said sure. He thought it would be fun to get together with a bunch of friends and go bowling a couple of weeks before prom to break the ice and have a great time. Andrew brought some of his good friends DJ (my hubby) and CJ. Shortly after Prom Andrew and I dated for about a minute then quickly decided that we were much better friends (he just married his High School sweet heart this past April they are amazing together and I got to photograph it all). Andrew, DJ and I became the three musketeers and about 8 months later DJ and I started dating. The rest as they say is history.
2. What is the first thing you said to your husband?
So sad but I have no memory of what the first thing I said to him was. Probably "nice to meet you."
edit- according to my DH the first words we spoke to each other happened 1 month before the bowling trip. I was walking through the hall with a friend and passed him and Andrew. My friend knew him a little and knew that his 16th B'day was coming up. She asked him "how many days?" He said "5." I said "Well happy early birthday." He replied "thanks!"
3.Where was your first kiss? First date?
When we were in school you didn't really date, we "went out". So the first place we went to outside of school and each others houses was probably the movies. Our first kiss was 3 days after declaring we were boyfriend and girlfriend. We ditched school and drove to the park close by for lunch (had closed campus) and talked until we were close enough and I kissed him first.
4. Did you have a long/short courtship/engagement?
Well we were 16 (DJ) & 17 (me) in Nov 97 when we officially began dating. We were 18 & 19 in June 99 when DJ proposed. And we were 20 & 21 in June 01 when we were married. So it was long in comparison to most of my friends.
5. Where did you get engaged?
DJ first told me he was going to marry me while we were still in High School. To which I said "ahhh that's sweet but we need to be out of high school or our parents will disown us." Then in the summer of 98 Dj had me over and cooked a yummy dinner of fettachini Alfredo and prawns. He asked me again to marry him, but we talked it over and he saw that he needed to finish high school before we got engaged (he was one year behind me). When DJ graduated in 99 we took a trip together to Disneyland for 7 days. I was determined to get a great shot of the fireworks over the castle. On the 5th day I set up the camera, we waited and waited and waited, then the fireworks started. I took about 15 shoots and ran out of film and had forgot my supply on the hotel desk. So I was a little flustered. DJ was standing behind me, he wrapped his arms around me (I was skinner back then) and whispered in my ear "just enjoy the beauty of the show". I took a deep breath and watched the color explosions and as the finale began with approximately 3 thousand people around DJ whispered in my ear "marry me". This time I said yes. He had staked out the jewelry store in New Orleans square the first day we were in the park and then made sure I didn't notice it, so we went over there to get a ring for me thinking it would be terribly romantic to get the ring at Disneyland. Well we found out quickly that it was all estate jewelry and from Tiffany or Harry Winston. So with the cheapest ring being 8k we decided that we would choose a ring back home. lol.
6. Where did you get married?
On a golf resort in Mt Shasta California. It was windy but beautiful on that June day. Only the month prior it had snowed so much that the wedding there had to be moved inside a tiny ballroom for 100 and she had 200 people show up. Whew just missed that disaster!
7.How did the reception go?
It went well and as planned. We ate (well the guests did) and danced and played the night away until 9pm when we had to close down the party due to the noise ordinance in the area. So everyone returned to the family cabin about 25 minutes away without giving us our luggage from the back of their cars. So we had to drive back to the cabin then back to the resort where the bed and breakfast was that we were staying at was located. We were starving so we hoped off the freeway and got Burger King in our wedding attire then had to run through the sprinklers to get to the front door of the B&B. Hahahaha it was a great memory maker that's for sure.
8. How was the honeymoon?
Well we stayed at the B&B for the wedding night and the following day. Then we drove back to the Bay Area and stayed with my parents on Monday and opened up presents. Then we drove onto Monterey CA on Tuesday morning went to the aquarium, had a great dinner, spent two nights there and returned to Fresno where we were living Thursday and I had to go to work that night.
Ok if your married and want to share consider yourself tagged!
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
I LOVE how he proposed! That is soooo romantic! Love it love it love it! Thanks for sharing!
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