[A is for age:]
[B is for booze of choice:]
[C is for career:]
Federal Law Enforcement-watch out bad guys
[D is for your dog's name:]
[E is for essential item you use everyday:]
[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
The Way I Am – Ingrid Michaelson
[G is for favorite games:]
computer – world of warcraft, board - risk
[H is for hometown:]
Vallejo - birthplace
[I is for instruments you play:]
[K is for kids?:]
[L is for last hug?:]
My husband
[M is for most missed memory job:]
Snuggling with my best friend's little baby when I day cared him.
[N is for name of your crush:]
[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
1 - when I found out I was a diabetic
[P is for phobias:]
Bees and wasps
[Q is for quotes you like:]
Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts. - Ben Franklin
I shall call you squishy, and you shall be mine, you shall be my squishy - Dory
[R is for biggest regret:]
letting other people attempt to place value on me and my choices
[S is for status:]
Happily married
[T is for time you wake up:]
Weekdays - 4:30am
Weekends 8 am
[U is for underwear:]
Hanes- Wal-Mart special baby
[V is for vegetable you love:]
all of them, but if I have to choose ummmmm sugar snap peas, no asparagras, no bell peppers - ah dang-it all of them - final answer
[W is for worst habit:]
leaving my shoes wherever I take them off
[Y is for yummy food you make:]
so many, ummmmm I make a killer lagnasa, homemade mac n' cheese, and jambalaya. oh and I make a to die for cheesecake.
[X is for x-rays you've had:]
L hand, L wrist, L elbow, Both feet, Chest 5+, Neck 3x, Both Knees 3x, Spinal series 3x, 2 CT scans and 2 MRI's. - Dang Car accidents
[Z is for zodiac sign:]
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
Dang---Xrays holy cow!!!
You make a killer cheesecake and I didn't know this?? My absolutely favorite dessert. My mom used to make it as my birthday cake each year, yum!
Hey! This is Jesika Gardner from the ward.....I found your blog! :o)
I love all your food recipes and ideas!! Yummy! I'm feeling really hungry now!! haha
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