..........................I'm it

So here we go:
10. Chick flick. My current faves are: Steel Magnolias, Failure to Launch, Because I said So, Monster-In-Law and Ella Enchanted
9. A HUGE glass of something cold and bubbly. Right now I'm on a lemonade and sprite kick.
8. Deckle - Paper Tear Edger
7. Zots for dimension
6. Corner Rounder
5. Brads
4. Black/brown ink pad - for the "aged" look... love it!
3. Embossing gun and my glitter embossing powder, a new addiction
2. Paper, Paper, Paper, Paper and ummmmmmmmm PAPER
1. A scrappy friend that loves to camp out until out butt's cramp from sitting and we have twitching eyes due to over-scrapping. Woo Hoo!
Since I'm not sure who else besides Amie and Natalie read my blog I'm just gonna say that I tag anyone who wants to be tagged. If you post this on your blog please leave me a comment so I can check out your favorite scrappy items. Or if you don't have a blog you can email me the tag too; fawkes_phoenix_red@yahoo.com.
I forgot to mention this at the crop on Friday night... I meant to. Thanks for your kind words! You're too sweet! It's funny, most days I don't feel like I accomplish much... in fact, on the day you posted this, I didn't shower until 1:30. It's tough to find time for yourself sometimes, even if it is just to take a shower! :) Thanks Christine! I got the same spanish comment on my "tag" too. ???
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