So since we were all off on Friday at 10pm my mom, DJ and I went down to our local Barnes and Noble to be a part of the final Harry Potter book release. We had a blast! We got to wander around a book store for 2.5 hours (heaven, for those of you who don't know I'm a lit major and pray that every book I have ever wanted to read and don't get the chance to will be in the Heaven's with me for eternity), we had the best time watching all the different types of people were there. We saw elderly couples, young couples, kids of every shape and size and friends. We ran into the Gardner's from our ward, whose daughter dressed as Hermione and won the costume contest! She got to go to the front of the line and be the first to buy the book, so cool, and she really looked like her, accent and all. We also ran into a good friend, Clint Bradford, and some of his kids wandering around. We stopped and chatted up a storm! So much fun. Then right before midnight we all gathered (all 200 of us) to the front of the store and counted down to midnight and they ripped open the boxes then held up the book. It was great to hear all the cheers and clapping! My mom finished Sunday night, DJ finished Tuesday and I am on page 200. I'm having a hard time tearing through it, maybe I'm just not ready to say goodbye? But I did take my friend Jesika's advice and picked up this to start after HP7. We'll see if I have a new addiction :-)
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
Hola!! That's awesome that you went to the HP7 book release! What fun!! We bought Jordin the book as an early birthday present. He got the book last Saturday afternoon and he finished it Sunday night. Whew!! He was and is so sad that it's over. Anyway, I hope you like the Twilight series. I had fun reading it. Check out the author's website -
I'm on chapter 23. I'm delighting in it all week. =)
I've heard Twilight is awesome! I keep meaning to reserve a copy at the library.
Hurry up girl! I'm dying to read HP7 too! :) just kidding. I completely understand! I'm really sad it's ending. My sister is reading Twilight and told me a little bit about it. Sounds good.
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