So we found out today why our energy bills are so high, we need a new A/C unit. Yep and last year when we had the system go out and the home warranty company came out to look at it and told us that it was just a leak and filled the freon and fixed the leak and told us the system is in great condition for it's age and we are really lucky - they lied. The guy today said there is no way the problems in the unit were not visible last year and he said that the unit shouldn't have passed inspection. So now we're trying how to come up with $5000 dollars (ironically the same amount we just spent on the floors and I had a little voice in my head the whole time saying don't do it, but we needed to for my health since I do so enjoy breathing, but the voice kept saying don't do it) to put in the new unit. We can't afford to put it on a credit card so now we're really in a pickle. I had $2000 to pay off the car in August which was going to be a huge blessing cause we will need some extra money when I go on maternity leave since you only get 60% of your pay and then I need to come up with day care money right after that and losing that car payment is the only way it will work out. Ugh I'm so tired of this constant money crap!
I know people say that making more money won't solve our problems but I'd sure like to try it. DJ is still only making $24k a year before taxes but working 50+ hours a week making a second job impossible and with that kind of pay we can't afford for him to go back to school. There is no chance of him getting a raise and the drive to metro has caused $100 more a month in gas. He's got 3 years management experience and tons of customer service experience and tons of cash handling experience but no other jobs will even look at him since he has no degree. It's so frustrating. I know he hates what he's doing. He comes home bummed out and feeling like he's failing and try really hard to pump him back up but frankly it's starting to get to me too. And in this economy I'm not sure what to do really. Leaving this job could be a huge mistake cause then he'd be the new man on the totem pole and if there was a problem the first to be let go. If anyone knows of a good job out there please let us know cause we sure need a break soon before this ship sinks. Or if you happen to have a brand new A/C unit sitting in your garage and you have been thinking hey we should just donate this to charity give me a call. Or if you need a strapping young man to come clean your house for say $5k I've got the man for you. And if you have any tricks on how to carry a child for say 24 months so we could get the cash for day care lined up again pass that bad boy along too.
***to add insult to injury today DJ's car died - engine blown - died. My biggest fear has completely come true. I have looked at our budget the past few weeks and was continually amazed that things were going to work out once this baby got here, they would be really tight trying to live on $50 a week for groceries and diapers but we were going to make it. I'm really tired of living in a snow globe that is shaken violently every time we just get things put back together after the previous shake up. I knew that the trials wouldn't stop after we got to the Temple, but I thought the blessings would help balance it all out...............and hopefully they will whenever they finally get here.***
classic lemon curd tart
3 weeks ago
hey give me a call Hain says $5000 is outrageous. He says you should get a second opinion, or he can come by and check it out? give me a call :)
Wow....I seriously can't believe it. Why the heck is this happening to you guys?! It's so unfair! I'm here for ya girl. Obviously the AC has to be fixed and so does the car! I'm praying for you!
I'm so sorry. That really stinks! I know what you mean about every time you think your going to get ahead, one more thing happens. I'll keep ya in my prayers.
I was told when we went to the Temple, that because we went we were going to through extra trials because SOMEONE is extra ticked that we made it there. So, just keep going, keep praying and keep doing the right thing. I can tell you the blessings that did start to come when the trials did, and they will for you too! is a job that uses experience in place of a degree.
Hey girl, if you need help with daycare after the baby comes home just let me know. I would be more than happy to help you out and our babies can play together! So don't worry about it, I would be more than happy to help you out!
Christine, just pay your tithing and it will fall into place. You ARE SO BLESSED!!! Hello, you are pregnant and you never thought you would be!!! You have a husband that adoressssss you! Those are the greatest things in life! Ask any woman who can't get pregnant or doesn't have a righteous awesome husband! Of course it is still totally stressful what you are going through, just keep that joy in your heart that you are alive, healthy and living. The rest works itself out. Call me. love you girl!
I don't usually comment, because well...I don't have a blog, but I wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you! I'm so sorry to hear about this! I also wanted you to know that once we found out I was pregnant, Kade lost his job in the beginning of May... and he had been there 5 years, they were downsizing and actually took him (asst Manager) and his manager out of the picture, so its not always the bottom of the totem pole. Things will look up, Heavenly Father is just making sure that you are doing what you need and trials ALWAYS come before the blessings. As frustrating, heart-breaking as all this is, it will work out and in some time we will all look back and say "oh it was worth it". take it as a faith promoting experience, pray/pay tithing and attend the temple (have DJ fast since you can't) - I promise the Sunday school answers work! Let me know what we can do to help!
I"m so sorry Christine! That is a lot to handle all at once. Take a lot of deep breaths! You're in my thoughts and prayers for sure!
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