is really freaking hard. Much harder than labor and doing it alone is a 100 times harder than I thought it would be. Caden has had some pain issues this week due to his formula so he and I have done a fair amount of crying together. Luckily my mom has come over on Mondays and Wednesdays for a few hours and DJ comes home for lunch because otherwise my house is just the two of us and even though I thought that sounded like heaven, it's been a lot more to handle than I had anticipated. Thank goodness DJ is so good at just letting me cry and taking the baby as soon as he gets home so I can have an hour to shower and be quiet. And thank goodness Heavenly Father makes his angels look like this so I can forget the previous 2 hours of screaming. Seriously I have no idea how I'm going to go back to work in 4-6 weeks.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
That is the sweatest little face. I know it's hard, if it is any consolation I promise he will grow out of it. =)I'm sure you are doing a great job.
You know you can call me or come over any time! I have a car again, so I can visit more too, I just hate to drop in unanounced, you know?
It will get easier, I promise. The first few weeks are really hard, but you're gonna make it!!
It really does get easier you'll adjust..It's new he is just so precious.. total doll... Great pic of him...Sleep will become a thing of the past for a little bit but it does get better
I came across your blog, I'm Summer Haughts sister. Try MoodSync, you can get it from GNC or somewhere like that. It worked wonders for me. Good luck.
oohhh that is the most perfect picture! do you have a stroller? short walks can make a world of difference... make you not so cooped up, fresh air and just some quiet. Maybe Caden would enjoy also? also music and just short visits from friends. so your not overwhelmed but you still get adult conversation!!! postpardum is so hard and no one talks about how hard it is. please call if you need anything...
I totally understand what you mean. And you're very lucky that DJ works close enough to come home - we didn't have that option for Kade. I understand what you're going through and if you want to talk about it, PLEASE call me!! Sometimes having somebody there that understands (and just went through it) is helpful and comforting. You're so right, its much harder than we think its going to be, but the other comments are right - they do grow out of it and your body heals. Remember you JUST had him and you have to recoop just like he has to adjust to life on the outside. We love you and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call, or email me with directions to your house!
You had a tough delivery, which I think makes it even harder to get through the post partum weepies. Just let it out. You'll feel better! AND I'M COMING! I PROMISE! I'M COMING SOON! I talked to DJ at the store last week, and I'M COMING!!!
Just know the first few weeks are the hardest and it DOES get easier. I wish I was closer so I could come and visit you! If you want to chat anytime call me, my cell number is the same!
He is so precious, I'm sure you and DJ are loving him to pieces!
Sweet friend! As you can see from all these previous posts...many have been there. I really got postpartum BADLY with my 1st and then never again...but I think your friend above my be right about it hitting after SUCH a hard labor...I thought mine was long and tough...but NOTHING compared to what you endured! You are ALL OF OURS hero! I just got a much of coupons in the mail for formula...I will drop them off or send to you, maybe trying a few different kinds might help. These first few weeks, and couple of months are hard because when they are know if could be 1 of 50 reasons. Know you are doing what you need to. BE SURE TO REST!! You can handle everything better with sleep. DONT GET ON HERE WHEN CADEN SLEEPS...PRETEND YOUR COMPUTER IS BROKEN, HAD A HORRIBLE VIRUS...AND GO SLEEP!!! LOVE YOU BUTTLOADS!!
I agree with your friend. Pretend your computer is broken and sleep!!! You will thank yourself later. Maybe allow yourself a few minutes when DJ is home to blog. The best advice I ever got when having a newborn is sleep when the baby sleeps. And sometimes that means you don't get a shower until the evening!! We've all been there. Good luck! joanna
I ditto Teri wise advice. He is angelic. You're going to be okay. You've both got some crazy hormones raging through your systems right now and you are perfectly normal. Cry and sleep and cry some more. And then get some fresh air:).
This too shall pass...
I was hoping to see a picture. He is so precious! But of course look at his parents. I know it's hard but their was actually an unverbal agreement at birth that we will support them through good times and bad times, sickness and health, you get it. Wait I don't think I have gotten yet, YIKES what have we done!!!!!!!
There's nothing harder than this....but it DOES get better!!!!!! It's so hard to be alone right now, I totally get it. And newborn crying is so hard to take, nothing can prepare you for it. Don't feel bad for your husband's shirt being constantly wet from your tears, that's what they're there for. I'll be praying for you.
Yeah it was me that called. If you want to come over your more than welcome or if you would rather me come to you, I would love to! Since your not at work you'll have to send me your personal email so we can keep in contact, also since your phone is acting up. I wouldn't mind being in the hospital waiting to dilate because then it would lead to something, lol! How are you and the little guy doing? I hope things are getting a little better! The first couple of week are always a little tough, definitely here for you if you need anything, even a hour or so to yourself during the day, just let me know!
he is so beautiful! Do you want to come here or me come there?
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