I have been SICK. And I don't mean oh I don't think I'll do the errands today cause I feel a bit under the weather, I mean praying for a quick death sick. And I have discovered a new form of torture that should with out question be used during any important interrogation from here on out. Friday while nursing my 101 fever and hugging my trash can I would finally feel a bit like I could lay down and rest for a while, it was then that Caden would haul out and kick me in the stomach so hard I jumped from the pain and grabbed the trash can again. Oh it was officially the longest day of my life. Then my poor hubby came home from work and he too was deathly ill. We curled into bed and both just laid there motionless.
We had to go to the grocery store Saturday night and that 30 minutes was enough to wipe us out for the rest of the night. This morning we are feeling better, but still not good and I've been contracting on and off since Friday so I've been instructed to stay down and quite. My mom broke her foot and is all alone today so we are going to pack up the pillows and blankets and go over to her house to help her out since she can't walk and hopefully by tonight the plague will leave us be so we can go back to work tomorrow.
Only 10 more weeks until the little man is here!!!!!! I'm scheduled for an induction on Jan 3rd at 38 weeks. I have started to go to the hospital twice a week for non-stress tests and fetal ultrasound monitoring. My office isn't thrilled with me having to leave early twice a week, but what are you gonna do right? The little man is doing great, measuring about a week and a half ahead right now, but taking practice breaths and everything he should be doing. He's still breech right now so we're hoping that he will turn soon so we can avoid a C-section since Dr. McKernan is worried about my ability to recover from a major sugary with my medical issues. Either way DJ and I are getting really excited for his arrival. He has been reading and singing to my belly alot lately. His current favorite song to sing is Child's Prayer, makes me tear up each time. We still have so much to do, paint, put up furniture, get some diapers and formula. I feel like I have nothing at all prepared, yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nesting has really set in this past week, and that with insomnia has made for some interesting 2am activity, lol.
classic lemon curd tart
2 weeks ago
So sorry you caught the bug! And wow, things will go fast now. 10 weeks seems so much shorter than 2.5 months! You can do it. Let me know how I can help. =)
I am sorry you were sick!! So thanks for the 10 week wake up call, I can't believe it!! So what that makes 8 weeks until Christmas. YIKES!!!
So sorry you got sick, that is seriously not a good thing pregnant!!!! Don't worry about the Temple you need to take care of yourself and that precious baby! We will definitely have to go together!
That is so sweet that DJ sings to the baby!!!! You are so not alone about getting ready for the baby, I have so much to do too! I only wish I had a nesting feeling...I don't. All I want to do is bake, no cleaning, no getting the room ready, just baking and eating!
Yay, 3rd trimester!! That stinks about being sick, I got the stomach flu when I was preggo with Cyrena and it was no fun! I'm contracting and dilated so any day now.... :)
when can I come over and paint?
sorry youve been sick. wow 10 weeks awesome! just do the count down!! soon you will see those tiny fingers adn toes, his sweet little eyes and tiny nose... awe newborns so amazing! Just think how lucky you are to aid this little one in coming to earth. YOU are amazing :) btw saw your hubby at work the other day... yep at court. taking care of my stinking ticket :) 1 week till baby shower. oh I better get sewing!! BYE
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